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Chip type: DogSty06m520431

The DogSty06m520431 chip type is the 2nd version of a custom Canine SNP array.

From Broad's Canine SNP FAQ (2008-07-21): "The version 2 array (part number 520431) is a 5 um, 100-format, PM probe only (20 probes/SNP) WGSA design, which can detect a total of 127K SNPs. These SNPs were chosen from the 2.5 million SNP map generated as part of the dog genome project and include the majority of the v1 platinum set SNPs. A "v2 platinum" set of 49,663 SNPs was selected to include accurate and robust SNPs, using a panel of >10 diverse breeds. The library file (DogSNPs520431P) has masked out the SNPs that are not of high quality and thus only will show results for the "v2 platinum" SNPs. Also available is the library file for all SNPs.".

Important for aroma.affymetrix users: The two CDFs available from Broad are named DogSty06m520431.cdf and DogSty06m520431P.cdf where the 'P' indicates 'Platinum'. Since both CDFs refer to the same (physical) chip type, it is more convenient to put the in the same annotationData/chipType/DogSty06m520431/ directory. For aroma.affymetrix to be able to locate the Platinum CDF, rename DogSty06m520431P.cdf to DogSty06m520431,Platinum.cdf.

> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("DogSty06m520431")
> cdf

Path: annotationData/chipTypes/DogSty06m520431
Filename: DogSty06m520431.cdf
Filesize: 84.63MB
Chip type: DogSty06m520431
RAM: 0.00MB
File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
Dimension: 1612x1612
Number of cells: 2598544
Number of units: 127201
Cells per unit: 20.43
Number of QC units: 0

> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("DogSty06m520431,Platinum")
> cdf

Path: annotationData/chipTypes/DogSty06m520431
Filename: DogSty06m520431,Platinum.cdf
Filesize: 33.27MB
Chip type: DogSty06m520431,Platinum
RAM: 0.00MB
File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
Dimension: 1612x1612
Number of cells: 2598544
Number of units: 49732
Cells per unit: 52.25
Number of QC units: 6



  • DogSty06m520431,Broad20080721,HB20080721.ugp.gz
    • Unit Genome Position (UGP) annotation file mapping to the units in the DogSty06m520431.CDF. Created by: Henrik Bengtsson, 2008-07-21. Sources: Broad's AffyV2_all_probeset.txt (5.74MB; downloaded 2008-07-21).
  • DogSty06m520431,Platinum,Broad20080721,HB20080721.ugp.gz
    • Unit Genome Position (UGP) annotation file mapping to the units in the DogSty06m520431,Platinum.CDF. Created by: Henrik Bengtsson, 2008-07-21. Sources: Broad's AffyV2_all_probeset.txt (5.74MB; downloaded 2008-07-21).
  • DogSty06m520431,HB20100920.acs.gz - Aroma Cell Sequence (ACS) annotation file mapping cell indices to 25-mer sequences and target strandedness. Sources: Affymetrix probe_tab file (private communication). Created by: Henrik Bengtsson, 2010-09-20.

By Broad Institute:


How the UGP files were created


# Choose the CDF to create an UGP file for
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("DogSty06m520431", tags="Platinum")
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("DogSty06m520431")

# Allocate empty UGP file
ugp <- AromaUgpFile$allocateFromCdf(cdf, tags="Broad20080721,HB20080721")

# Read genome location data from external text file
tab <- TabularTextFile("AffyV2_all_probeset.txt", path=getPath(cdf))
colClassPatterns <- c(ProbeId="character", Chr="character", Pos="integer")
df <- readDataFrame(tab, colClassPatterns=colClassPatterns)

# Coerce chromosome labels to integers
df$Chr[df$Chr == "X"] <- "39" # Turn ChrX into Chr39.
df$Chr <- as.integer(df$Chr)

# Write data to UGP file
units <- indexOf(cdf, names=df$ProbeId)

# Store only units existing in the CDF
keep <- !
ugp[units[keep],1] <- df$Chr[keep]
ugp[units[keep],2] <- df$Pos[keep]

# Update UGP file footer
footer <- readFooter(ugp)
footer$createdBy <- list(fullname="Henrik Bengtsson")
footer$srcFile <- list(
writeFooter(ugp, footer)