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Chip type: CytoScan750K_Array

From Affymetrix' web site: "Available Outside US/Canada Only [...] The CytoScan 750K Array includes 200,000 gene-centric SNPs to enable confident breakpoint estimation, 5 Mb loss of heterozygosity (LOH) determination and detection of uniparental iso-disomy (UPD) and regions identical-by-descent."


> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("CytoScan750K_Array")
> cdf
Path: annotationData/chipTypes/CytoScan750K_Array
Filename: CytoScan750K_Array.cdf
Filesize: 161.10MB
Chip type: CytoScan750K_Array
RAM: 0.00MB
File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
Dimension: 2166x2166
Number of cells: 4691556
Number of units: 750865
Cells per unit: 6.25
Number of QC units: 4

There are 200,691 SNPs (plus 151 control SNPs) and 550,000 CN units in this CDF. Out of the 200,691 SNPs, 200,439 have three probe pairs, 131 have four, 61 have two and the remaining various sizes. All CN units are single CN probes.


By Affymetrix: